
Monday, August 9, 2010

When Lunch Looks Like Dessert... know it's going to be a good day.

Sunday was a great day. We got up fairly early and made our way to a local cafe for breakfast. We hit the local farmers market (closed on Sunday, oops!). We found the Bittersweet Bakery for a lunch of ridiculously decadent desserts. And all before we made our way to the local art museum for an exhibit on mourning.

Did I mention that we rounded out the day with a picnic lunch on the living room floor while we watched Kick Ass? No? Well, we did.

Although the whole day was wonderful, the focal point was really the dessert lunch we had at Bittersweet. Let me tell you, this place was phenomenal. The selection of cookies (Lavender Shortbread, anyone?) and biscotti (Double Chocolate Chip) was unbelievable. And the bread pudding? Absolutely sinful in every way.

Just look at it!

I was also a huge fan of Shannon's Black Walnut Brownie ice cream cone. Can you blame me?

Between the two of us, we ingested enough sugar to put a diabetic into shock. It was so, so worth it, though. So worth it. It was so worth it that I didn't mind not eating much of anything for the remainder of the day. Who needed to after having half of that bread pudding? Surely not me!

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